Sunday, January 12, 2025

At This Point In My Life - Tracy Chapman

9:54 PM Posted by Unknown

If you give me a chance Ill try
You see Ive been climbing stairs but mostly stumbling down
Ive been reaching high always losing ground
You see Ive been reaching high but always losing ground
You see Ive conquered hills but I still have mountains to climb
And right now right now Im doing the best I can
At this point in my life

Anberlin - unwinding cable car

7:57 PM Posted by Unknown

emotive unstable.
your like an unwinding cable car.
listening for voices,
buts its the choices that make us who we are.
go your own way.
even season have change.
just burn those new leaves over.
so self-absorbed, you've seem to ignore,
the prayers that have already come about.

this is the correlation of salvation and love.
(dont drop your arms)
dont drop your arms.
i'll guard your heart.
with quite words i'll lead you in.
la la la la la la la la la la la
la la la la la la la la la la la

backing away from the problem of pain.
you never had a home.
you've been misguided.
you're hiding in shadows for so very long.
don't you belive that you've been decived?
that your no better than...
the hair in your eyes it never disguised
what your really thinking of.

this is the correlation of salvation and love.
(dont drop your arms)
dont drop your arms.
i'll guard your heart.
with quite words i'll lead you in.

you're so brilliant.
dont soon forget.
your so brilliant.
grace marked your heart.

this is the correlation of salvation and love.
dont drop your arms.
i'll guard your heart.
with quite words i'll lead you in and out of the dark.
la la la la la la la la la la la
dont drop your arms.
la la la la la la la la la la la

this is the correlation of salvation and love.
(dont drop your arms)
dont drop your arms.
i'll guard your heart.
with quite words i'll lead you in

Maze of life.

10:08 PM Posted by Unknown

_________is like a maze
turns everywhere
you see the turns, but never how it ends
choose wisely what road to take
There are and always will be twists
Unpredictable with every breath
& once again u see the roads
then time enters & decision is at the door

Closer To My Dream

10:24 AM Posted by Unknown

[© By Keisha L. Short]

I am closer to my dream
Close your eyes
Imagine me
To just hold out my hand, I can see it
My dream is within my reach
My dream is real, this I do believe
Just a glimpse into the future,
peeking through the light of a crystallized moon
I am there, I am here
I am a dream fulfilled
I used to be afraid to dream
I never believed that a dream could come true
But, now I do
It has happened to me
I have begun my journey
I am poetry and how sweet it is
I am closer to my dream
Close your eyes
Imagine me
My dream has become... a reality.

Life Paints A Picture

10:17 AM Posted by Unknown

[© By Robin Baugus]

Everyone's life is a picture,
Painted by only one person,

Life itself.
The picture shows everything you're doing,

And everything you have done.
But sometimes, Life gets tired.

And doesn't want to paint a picture.
So, Life sends problems to stop you,

If you give up, your picture is finished.
If you keep going, so does your picture.

So the question is:
How soon do you want to see your picture?

Do you want to see it now?
When it could be so much more?

Or later, when there's so much more than before?
It's your choice,

I'll keep going.

The Person I Long To Be

9:13 AM Posted by Unknown

[© By Victoria A. Mogyorosi]

The day light breaks again
Another day has begun.

But still no sleep has come.
My body is weary

My mind overworked.
I lie awake thinking

But what I am unsure.
I need to break free from the cycle I endure.

Everyday is the same and the nights are undistinguished.
I feel as though I am being pushed along with the tide

Unable to break free from the everyday flow.
This is not me I need to change, before time takes over

And I am unable to change.
I need to be freed from the grasp of ordinary

And become that person I have always longed for.
Express myself in every way, and conquer the dreams as I lie awake.

Then I may fall asleep and put my mind to rest.
Make changes in my life and help those in need.

I would like to touch everyone's life in a positive way
And leave my mark on society before I fade away.


7:20 PM Posted by Unknown

Climb The Mountain

I tried to climb the mountain today. As I inched my way up the path, I felt out of breath and had to turn back.
I tried to climb the mountain today. But, It was so hot outside, I thought I had better stay in my nice air-conditioned house and rest up for tomorrow's attempt.
I tried to climb the mountain today. On my journey, darkness started to fall and I was full of fear, so I had to return to a safe place.
I was ready to climb the mountain today. But I had so may other things to do, so instead of climbing the mountain I took care of the much more important tasks; I washed my car, mowed the grass and watched the big game. Today the mountain will have to wait.
I was going to climb the mountain today. But as I stared at the mountain in all it's majestic beauty, I knew I had no chance of making it to the top, so I figured why even begin trying.
I had forgotten about climbing the mountain today, until an old friend came by and asked what I was up to lately. I told him about all my plans to climb that mountain someday. I went on and on about how I was going to accomplish the task.
He stopped me and said, "I just got back from climbing that mountain. for the longest time I told myself I was going to try to climb it but never made any progress."
"I almost let the dream of making it to the top die. I came up with every excuse of why I could not make it up the mountain, but never once did I give myself a reason why I could. One day as I stared at the mountain and pondered, I realized that if I didn't make an attempt at this dream all my dreams would eventually die."
" The next morning, I started my climb. It was not easy, and at times I wanted to quit. But no matter what I faced, I placed one foot in front of the other, keeping a steady pace. When the wind tried to blow me over the edge, I kept walking. When the voices inside my head screamed, stop! I focused on my goal, never letting it out of sight. I kept moving forward. I could not quit because I knew I had come too far to stop now. Time and time again, I reassured myself that I was going to finish this journey. I struggled mightily to make it to the top, but I CLIMBED THE MOUNTAIN."
"I have to be going," my friend said. "Tomorrow is a new day to accomplish more dreams. By the way what are you going to do tomorrow?"
I looked at him, with intensity and confidence in my eyes, and said, "I HAVE A MOUNTAIN TO CLIMB."Author unknown

One sure way to avoid mistakes is to avoid taking action. But in the
long run, avoiding action would be the biggest mistake of all, for
nothing would ever get done.
If you're going to move forward, you're going to make some wrong
turns along the way. Don't let that stop you from proceeding.
There will be many times when you'll look back and wish you had done
things differently. Don't let that stop you from moving forward.
Mistakes are bad enough on their own. Don't be so afraid of them that
you avoid life itself.
Every mistake you've ever made is now in the past. The way to move
ahead is to leave them there.
Learn from where you went wrong, then step confidently and positively
forward. For now is your time to live and to act. By Ralph Marston

"When you name your fear you can face it.
When you face it you can defeat it!" By CW on bootcamp buddies

"Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its troubles; it empties today of its strength."
Author unknown
You've got to say, I think that if I keep working at this and want it badly enough I can have it. It's called perseverance.

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.
Never trade what you want the most for what you want at the moment

Random Truth

6:43 PM Posted by Unknown

"To Handle Yourself, Use Your Head
To Handle Others, Use Your Heart

Anger Is Only One Letter Short Of Danger

If Someone Betrays You Once, It's His Fault
If He Betrays You Twice, It's Your Fault

Great Minds Discuss Ideas
Average Minds Discuss Events
Small Minds Discuss People

God Gives Every Bird Its Food
But He Does Not Throw it Into Its Nest

He Who Loses Money, Loses Much
He Who Loses A Friend, Loses More
He Who Loses Faith, Loses All

Beautiful Young People Are Accidents Of Nature
But Beautiful Old People Are Works Of Art

Learn From The Mistakes Of Others
You Can't Live Long Enough To Make Them All Yourself

The Tongue Weighs Practically Nothing
But So Few People Can Hold It

Thank You For Stepping Into My Life
And Leaving Your Footprint In My Life even for being bothered to read my blog"