Happyness - I wonder

7:43 AM Posted by Unknown

Source: Social psychology, Professor Jennifer Aaker, General Atlantic Professor of Marketing, discusses the idea of rethinking happiness. How do you design for an environment that allows for happiness (rather than designing to 'be happy' or 'get happy')? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLUV8GtR1vA

Conference on Entrepreneurship Q&A

7:28 AM Posted by Unknown

As I'm at the verge of startingup my next $!+, This discussion was enlightening
It's Part of 2010 Conference on Entrepreneurship.
What things typically trip up an entrepreneur in starting and running a company? Is it getting the right business partner? Is it having the killer technology? How does one recover from major setbacks? A panel of seasoned entrepreneurs, angels, venture capitalists, and board members discuss the common pitfalls most new entrepreneurs encounter when building their businesses.


7:10 AM Posted by Unknown

Oftentimes our strongest and deepest desires don't coincide with our strength, but with our weakness. Abraham's dream was not birthed out of his strength, but out from his weakness. In response to that weakness, God told Abraham to count the starts. Some of us are looking for our dreams in the wrong place. There are stars in our barrenness. The stars are in our weakness!