Day-6 of the 40 days Journey

8:12 AM Posted by Unknown

6th Day, It's amazing how time flies.... it's been six days(technically 7 day coz i don't count sundays)
I've had a unique journey so far. Trusting God in the day to day.

Though i woke up at my regular time, I reached to  church a bit late 7 AM something....
Pastor Younus led the devotion. He was sharing about the life of  Sidrak Mishak and Abednago
They made a bold statement which any one wont dare to say in their right mind. God will save us from this fire, even if he doesen't save us....... in other way, they were saying if it is the will of God for us to die we will die, if it is the will of God to save us he will save us. This is a kind of prayer that needs a gut to say it. Only Jesus said that. Father if it is your will Let his cup pass from me but now my will, Let your will be done.

When they pray that, and while being in the fire, God showed up to be with them. The fire didn't burn them be cause they were already set on fire for God. At a times God shows up when we are in fire....

We sang I surrender all at the  end.


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