Interesting Campaign Video - Reverse Psychology?

10:55 AM Posted by Unknown

I don't like smoking, period. Exclamation mark. If i go out on a date and if she happen to smoke. That is it, major turn off. Total irreversible turn off, however charming personality she may have.

The Ogilvy's Anti-Smoking ad campaign in India is very interesting from concept  and execution point of view. But when it comes to most commercially motivated anti [ Something ] campaigns i've my own reservation about the whole thing, they won't achieve the desired result. Instead they accomplish the opposite 

For example: The ad that says "Don't by this Jacket"  made Patagonia 40% increase in sales.  This must be a good example of reverse psychology in advertising campaign. Read the email that they sent on Cyber Monday

Lately there have been heavy anti-smoking campaign going on Indian media screens. I suspect it must be tobacco-industry-funded effort. When you are at home watching 007 the scroll comes to tell you how cigarate is injurious to health ( in principle there is nothingn wrong in that, but will it change anything?). While in cinema hall there is dedicated air time for it with few slide shows. This is a mafia game. The say out of sight is out of mind. So they bring the topic in audience mind with ulterior motive. Even the guy who didn't smoke for a week will have urge because of this subtle reminder. Since they can't advertise legally. They anti-advertise to drive up the sales numbers. Oh! Capitalism. Wicked. 


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