How to master any skill by deconstructing it - Tim Ferriss

2:08 AM Posted by Unknown

Ever wish you could learn a new skill quickly?

Let's say Tim wants to learn a martial art. He would first deconstruct the art down into the minimum learnable units, the building blocks that make up the overall discipline he wishes to learn. Next he will utilize the 80/20 rule to select which blocks make up the 20% of subject matter that will take him 80% of the way to competency. He must then sequence in which order to learn those blocks and finally setup stakes to create consequences, make sure he follows the program, and tests his growing facility. Perhaps in this case it would be entering a martial arts tournament.

 Tim Ferriss points out that it is important to track your data so you can figure out points of failure and measure your progress. This broad overview of skill acquisition can apply to nearly any subject.
 4 Ways To Master A New Skill
 Deconstruction - work backward and identify the specific ingredients that are required to succeed.

Selection - hone this down to the difference makers – the critical 20%.

Sequencing - a series of two week tests to determine how to order the various 20% skills in the right order. This gives you several different data sets that you can compare.

Stakes - This is what keeps you motivated. In a career context,the stakes are built in. If you don’t stay ahead, your career can flatline. However, if you need motivation, the author suggests using sites like StickK – where you make your commitments public and incur financial consequences if you fail to meet them.

 Sources: LifeHacker | A2S


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