My Thanks Giving 2009 Favourite ~ in a poetry!

3:43 AM Posted by Unknown

If you are in hurry & don't give a damn about poetry Pls Pls Pls Don't READ THIS. Come back Next year when you can, with couple of minutes on hand!

A lot has happened in 2009 to be Thankful about. While giving thanks i feel it's appropriate to shout out what the soul wants to say. If you have been pregnant of some dream like me. A dream bigger than you. And if you feel the delivery will happen in near future. Join me here on Facebook while i say out loud the poetry i borrowed from Sylvia Plath, it's a poetry that cries my own cry, that beats my own heat beat. Am sure if you don't give up at once read, it will penetrate the layers of you. it doesn't matter how many layers you have. Just re-read it till i makes sense.

To give you a clue, The first line says I'm a miner to imply we all are looking precious treasure. 
Aren't we? In between you can see someone who is pregnant of something bigger than herself. The ending line talks about Gift, you may call it a baby in a manger.

Nick And The Candlestick
                     Sylvia Plath

I am a miner. The light burns blue.
Waxy stalactites
Drip and thicken, tears

The earthen womb

Exudes from its dead boredom.
Black bat airs

Wrap me, raggy shawls,
Cold homicides.
They weld to me like plums.

Old cave of calcium
Icicles, old echoer.
Even the newts are white,

Those holy Joes.
And the fish, the fish----
Christ! They are panes of ice,

A vice of knives,
A piranha
Religion, drinking

Its first communion out of my live toes.
The candle
Gulps and recovers its small altitude,

Its yellows hearten.
O love, how did you get here?
O embryo

Remembering, even in sleep,
Your crossed position.
The blood blooms clean

In you, ruby.
The pain
You wake to is not yours.

Love, love,
I have hung our cave with roses.
With soft rugs----

The last of Victoriana.
Let the stars
Plummet to their dark address,

Let the mercuric
Atoms that cripple drip
Into the terrible well,

You are the one
Solid the spaces lean on, envious.
You are the baby in the barn.


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