TEDinda - The future beckons

3:37 AM Posted by Unknown

This is my totally random write up, in response to facebook status which says what's in your mind? Well in my mind... wishing to attend TEDindia.
At the end of 2006, two habits kicked in my life, one is blogging other is TED. There is a cellular company in India with a motto of An idea can change your life. TED is about ideas worth spreading. I love the diverse topics that TED brings to the table. TED Talks, which originally focused on technology, entertainment and design, but have now expanded in scope to a broad set of topics including science, arts, politics, education, culture, business, global issues, technology and development.

At TED for the last 26 years (:btw, TED is older than me ewwwwww:) they believed passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and ultimately, the world. So They're building a clearinghouse that offers free knowledge and inspiration from the world's most inspired thinkers, and also a community of curious souls to engage with ideas and each other.
Now India is going to host TED at Mysore, November 4-7, 2009 22 days to go. How i wish to be around this time, not at least as presenter :P:-)
TEDIndia will be held at Mysore Palace and in incredible high-tech campus built by Infosys with a beautiful setting, the campus represents the heart of the Asian outsourcing industry that’s transformed the global economy. TEDIndia Inner Circle: They also offer a limited number of supporting Inner Circle memberships for $20,000. Inner Circle members receive special privileges at the event.

This is what these two people has to say about TED.

"Words are inadequate to express my appreciation for the invitation to participate at the TED conference. It was one of the highlights of my entire life."
-- Billy Graham, evangelist

"I wasn't prepared for this conference to be so profound. The combined IQ of the attendees is incredible."
-- Bill Gates, Microsoft

More stuffs @ TEDx | TEDprize | TEDfellow | TED conference |


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