10:36 AM Posted by Unknown

I love people who can articulate ideas very well. I've been a big fan of John Battelle for a decade, He is the co-founder of Wired, Founder of Federated Media and Executive Producer of the Web 2.0 Summit. He’s also the author of an upcoming book, What We Hath Wrought, which gives us a forecast of the interconnected world. In short the book is about, can we handle what we are creating? Thirty or so years from now, will we be questioning ourselves – “Lord, what hath we wrought?” Or will we look upon what we hath wrought, and be pleased? I think the answer lies in exploring where we are, right now, and laying out the implications of our actions today. (And yes, I’m an optimist, which is why I moved the “hath” over one position in the title…)
Please watch this conversation between John Battelle and Brian Solis on SOCIAL MEDIA.


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